
Anatomy PALMs


For students

What does PALMs stand for?

PALMs stands for Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules.

How do PALMs work?

After answering correctly, the module will display your response time. Getting a problem wrong, or taking so long that the problem times out, will prompt feedback about the correct answer.

How are PALMs different from other learning software?

Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules (PALMs) offer, for the first time, systematic ways of teaching pattern recognition. PALMs targeting crucial learning domains in mathematics and science have been shown to have powerful, long-lasting effects on learning.

The patented adaptive learning and perceptual learning technologies tailor learning to the individual, using past and current performance to optimize the spacing and sequencing of learning events. The automated sequencing procedures guarantee that items will not be presented too early or too late in the learning process - both of which can impede efficient learning.

What subjects can PALMs be applied to?

PALMs targeting learning domains within mathematics and a variety of sciences have been shown to have powerful, long-lasting effects on student learning. This approach can be applied to many areas of learning.

What is Perceptual Learning?

Perceptual Learning refers to changes in the way we pick up information as a result of experience or practice and is achieved through exposure to varied examples. A characteristic of experts in any domain is that they selectively pick up relevant information, discover important patterns, and see key structure in new cases or situations. They are able to extract key patterns quickly and fluently with little effort (cognitive load), freeing up attention for higher-level problem solving. Expertise and perceptual learning are tightly interwoven. The patented Perceptual Learning approach groups items into categories according to an underlying common pattern (eg, diagnosis, species of animals, related set of mathematic problems) and presents a new exemplar each time a category is revisited. This allows the learners to master each category's underlying structure, rather than simply memorizing specific examples.

What is Adaptive Learning?

Adaptive Learning is a broadly-used term referring to approaches that individualize the sequence of problems presented to a leaner according to the learner's past performance and level of mastery. The patented Adaptive Response-Time Based Sequencing dynamically adjusts content based on student proficiency, using both fluency and retention to create a uniquely efficient learning experience. Because learners have different learning needs, every PALM presents a different learning pathway for each learner, dynamically choosing which learning points to focus on and how much practice is necessary to reach optimal learning.

How does Adaptive Sequencing work?

The algorithm takes into account both the accuracy and speed of the learner on every learning trial. Each category of items is tracked individually to determine the optimal order of learning material. The automated sequencing procedures guarantee that items from the same category will not be presented too soon or too late — both of which can impede learning. Items from less well-learned categories will return sooner, whereas more well-learned categories are spaced further apart. These algorithms attempt to space out presentations for as long as possible, fostering long-term retention of the material.

How do I create a student account?


  1. Click on the 'Perceptive Adaptive Learning Modules' tab on the homepage.
  2. Click the 'Log in/register' button. This will open a new window.
  3. Select the 'Sign up' tab on the right.
  4. Fill in your details, and click the 'Sign up' button. After registration you will be logged in automatically.

How do I launch a PALM?


  1. Visit the homepage.
  2. Click on the 'Perceptive Adaptive Learning Modules' tab from the menu on the left.
  3. Click the 'Log in/register' button. This will open a new window. Please ensure you have pop-ups enabled.
  4. Log in using your unique username and password. If you have not yet set up an account, select the 'Sign up' tab on the right. After registration, you will be logged in automatically.
  5. Click on the 'Anatomy' icon to launch the PALMs.
  6. Select the region icon to choose the suite you wish to open.
  7. Click to choose a learning module within a suite.
  8. Click on the 'Read' icon to see instructions on how to use the suite.
  9. Select 'Assessment' to take a quick test to assess your knowledge.
  10. When you're ready, click the 'Start' button in the learning box to launch the learning module.

How do I change my password?


  1. Click on the Perceptive Adaptive Learning Modules tab on the homepage.
  2. Click the login/register button. This will open a new window. Please ensure you have pop-ups enabled.
  3. Select the 'Forgot password?' link at the bottom to reset your password.

For teachers and administrators

How to create a class


  1. Click the 'Administration' button at the top of the screen.
  2. Click to open the 'Classes' tab.
  3. Click the 'New Class' button on the right. This will open up a window.
  4. Enter a name for your class, then select the suites which students in this class should have access to.
  5. Click the 'Create' button.
  6. Your new class will appear in the 'Classes' tab.

How to assign PALMs to a class


  1. Click the 'Administration' button at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the 'Classes' tab.
  3. Click the check box to the left of the class you want to edit.
  4. Click the 'Options' button, then click 'Edit Info' in the dropdown menu.
  5. Under 'Assign App(s)' check off the suites you want to add to this class.
  6. When you're ready, click the 'Save' button.

How to add a student to a class


  1. Click the 'Administration' button at the top of the screen.
  2. Select your student by clicking the checkbox next to their name.
  3. Click the 'Options' button at the top of the table, then select 'Add to a class' from the dropdown menu. This will open up a window.
  4. Select a class to enroll the student in, then click the 'Add' button.
  5. Your student account is now assigned to that class.

How to view student scores in Score Reporter


  1. Click the 'Score Reporter' button at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the square icon of the suite you want to open and select a PALM from the dropdown list. This will open a new Score Reporter window.
  3. From the 'Classes' tab, click on the name of a class to see a list of students in that class.
  4. Here you will see a summary of information about each student, such as percent mastery and total learning time. At the top of the screen, click the 'Extended format' checkbox to see additional information such as completion dates and assessment response time.
  5. Click on the name of a student to see detailed information about that student.
  6. Click on the 'Learning History' tab to see a problem-by-problem breakdown of the student's learning history.
  7. Click the 'Return' button in the top-right corner to return to a previous screen.
  8. To print a table in Score Reporter, click the 'Print View' button on the right, then use your browser's print function.
  9. To save a table as a CSV file, click the 'Save to CSV' button. A CSV file can be opened with Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet-editing program. Note: Flash must be enabled in your browser to use this feature.
  10. Score Reporter opens in a separate browser window. To return to the dashboard, you must return to the PALMs browser window, rather than pressing the Back button on your browser.